Wednesday, March 9, 2011


we just got back from the Kid's Gym at the Y, which we all love, and ada and isaac are napping so i thought i'd share some randomness from our last week.

we lost three shoes.  isaac's towmater croc, ada's cute pinstriped mary jane with a purple flower, and a pink boot.  the boot turned up under ada's bed.  the others definitely disappeared while we were running errands.  how does that happen?

we bought a really great mattress for super cheap thanks to a groupon!  we've been looking for one to replace the one that is now isaac's big boy bed.  since we have guests so much, we'd love for at least one person to be able to sleep comfortably, so we're excited about getting a plush mattress for a total of $68 and something cents.  that never happens to us.  just in time for a fogerty visit this weekend!

isaac has a "broken eye".  it's gross, but hopefully it will get better now that he's on an antibiotic.  i celebrate that this is the very first time he's needed a prescription filled.  how awesome is that?  3 years well.

ada had her 15 month check up this week.  she's growing great (she has a big head like the rest of us, and the rest of her comes in somewhere just below average.  little and short, which is part of why she looks so cute running around like she does, i think!).  she got two shots, but was really brave and thoroughly enjoyed the sucker she earned afterwards.

i decided after the kids' gym today that i'm going to reward isaac with pennies after he pees in the potty so that he can earn his way to a big treat (he always BEGS me for something from the snack bar at the Y after we play, but i'm too cheap to buy him anything).  i'm hoping it works AND keeps him from filling up on m & m's in the process.  plus, it makes sense to start teaching him that our consumption of things comes at a cost.  we'll see how it goes.

i made a pillow on saturday.  i got my sewing machine out of the box and my friend jen taught me how to make a pillow.  it looks very wonky, but i still like it, and i hope i'll make time to sew more.  i can see how it would be so fun to be good at it.

i had a thought during our bedtime routine last night that made me appreciate the mystery of how God works a little more.  We talked on Sunday at church about the clarity of call Moses had in the burning bush.  i do think it would be cool if God offered each of us such clear, personal instruction.  I've always thought that.  it narrows the risk margin a bit for someone who wants to live in accordance with God's will.  but, as i was delivering instruction after instruction last night to get isaac and ada cleaned up from dinner and ready for bed, it occurred to me that we were all miserable listening to me give orders.  and so, i became thankful in a new way that knowing God's calling in our lives (and in our minutes) comes with intimate relationship with Him.  it made me happy.

i made really yummy (or so i suppose) cookies last night.  oreos wrapped in chocolate chip cookie dough!  they looked awesome.  jeremy always gives up sweets for lent so i though he might enjoy a little marti gras of sorts when he got home last night.  i asked him to take them off the cookie sheets.  now i can't find them.  maybe he ate them all.  they are gone.  oh well.  i'm sure one cookie would have cancelled out a whole boot camp routine.  i'll try to convince myself that it is not worth it.

ada just woke up.  only an hour nap?  really?