Tuesday, February 15, 2011

my girl and her shoes

it's common knowledge that many women have a thing for shoes.  i am not one of them.  my running shoes, my flip flops, and a pair of warm boots are my staples, and otherwise, i'm most comfortable barefoot.  i don't have a shoe fetish, and i don't really accessorize well either.  i'd rather not draw attention to myself, so i'm all about a pony tail and a pair of silver hoop earrings.

ada is so hilarious to me.  she LOVES to accessorize and she's only 14 months old.  everything is a bracelet (rubber bands, scotch tape dispensers, duct tape rolls, and today i caught her taking all of the toilet paper off of the roll so that she could put her hand through the cardboard tube).  everything else is a ring (marker tops, pipe cleaners, pen caps, and anything else she can squeeze onto her fingertips).  

she also loves shoes.  when her closet door is open, she heads straight for the tupperware box where we store them, and she brings me a pair to put on her.  she'll back up into my lap, have a seat, and wait for her foot to be adorned by whatever mary jane is to her liking that day.  sometimes she'll even demand that i try to fit her shoes on over her footy pajamas.  tonight she went to her closet after i put her jammies on, picked out a pair of shoes, and insisted that she wear them for the rest of the evening and then to bed too.  i tried to take them off of her, and she went nuts.

so, ada is sleeping in her shoes tonight.  i am sleeping barefoot.  

i love that little girl.

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