Tuesday, August 23, 2011

preschool musical

we've been on the crazy journey of trying to find a preschool for isaac.  i've been really resistant about sending him somewhere, mostly because I quit my dream job to stay home with the kids so it only makes sense that they should stay at home with me.  that's been our story for the past 20 very hard, very beautiful months, and now that isaac is 3 and a half, we think it would be good for him to be in preschool at least one day each week so that he can practice being with other kids in a classroom and can learn some of the skills he'll need for school.  we've been to several schools, but ended up choosing one that we had not visited, based on the good things we've heard about the program from several families we trust and also because it's affordable.  I like, too, that they only have Wednesdays available right now.  It's a lot easier for me to gear up for preschool when I remember that it's just one 5 hour day each week (instead of 2 five and a half hour days or 3 three hour days).  A five hour day is still pretty long, I think.  Obviously I'm a wreck about preschool.

Isaac has also been resistant to the idea of preschool.  I'm sure that's partially because he feels my stress over it, but I think it's also because of his personality, which is one of the reasons we think this experience will really bless him.  Today we went to pick up some forms and to see his room.  When we pulled into the parking lot, he said, "Mommy, i think i'm a little bit scared."  I was thinking, "me too buddy.  Let's get out of here."  but instead, I told him we should pray.  We did, and he said he felt better.  When we walked into the building, the women who worked there were very kind to us, and after a short tour, Isaac heard me ask the director if he could bring a blanket from home for nap time.  She told me that he could.  Then Isaac said, "ask about my this."  So i picked him up and said, "can you ask Miss Diane your question?"  he said, "can i bring my this to school?"  She looked confused, of course, and so I told her what his this was.  After hearing the story, she told him about her bear cubby that she sleeps with and assured him that sleeping at nap time with his this would be okay.  All of a sudden preschool felt like a great idea to Isaac.  He has been so excited about it all day, and has said multiple times, "my this can go to school with me!"

tonight when we prayed, he asked god to help gracie and gretta not be scared to sleep in their room.  and then he asked god to help his blanks be "cited" about going to school.  his plan is to take them on a rotational basis, with dog blank going first because he's isaac's favorite.

i ordered isaac a red monogrammed backpack today while my big little guy took a nap.

"god, i think I'M a little bit scared.
please help us make choices on behalf of our children that reflect your best for them.
please help me be "cited" about this new transition for isaac.
may preschool be so wonderful that he grows hungry for more of it.
thank you for these years that we get to spend at home together.
may we make the most of them."

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