Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thursday's Big Box Adventure

Oh how hard it is on my heart to worry about a child, born or unborn, and to know that ultimately there is nothing that I can do put pray to the God who created this child in the first place to care for it.  I feel some shame in that not feeling like enough, when in reality Christ really is our only hope regardless of circumstance, but I am trying to really let myself be honest about how I feel and at least right now, honest and faithful might not be the same thing.

So, in preparation for finding out if our baby is a boy or a girl this Saturday with our families, we needed to do something fun to celebrate the little life growing inside me that will one day soon be a very special part of this world, no matter what challenges he or she may have or not have.  We decided that as part of our big "reveal" we would need a box, some paint, and a few helium balloons.  After Ada and I picked Isaac up from school, we drove to the U-haul store to buy a box that would suit our purpose.  When we brought it home, we covered it in brown packing paper, and the kids and I painted it to honor the brother or sister we will soon know.

Isaac loves green and Ada loves purple so they picked their favorites to start the paint job!

Isaac finished his side and then moved on to the next while Ada walked around in the paint.

And he just kept going to make his "creation" special!
We also went to Las Paletas, our favorite popsicle place, to buy 6 blue popsicles and 6 pink ones to eat with our families after we find out the gender of our baby.  Thanks to the help of this baby's sweet brother and sister, we had fun continuing to "prepare a place for you" in our hearts and lives.  We are so excited to know if you are a boy or a girl!

Jeremy and I took the box to the party store in our neighborhood on Friday.  We gave them our ultrasound and told them that we didn't know whether our baby was a boy or a girl, but that we'd love for the box to be filled with pink or blue helium balloons to reveal the gender of our child when we opened it the next day.  The staff got really exciting (surprisingly) about the top secret assignment we gave them.  It's so fun to get to involve other people in the big mystery!  Isaac and I think it's a boy, Jeremy says it's a girl (but mostly because he's always wrong and really thinks it's a boy), and Ada says it's a baby!  How funny that our little risk taker is the only one not putting herself out there!

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