Thursday, June 6, 2013

things she says...

I love it when Ada says Lasterday.  It's awesome.

I love it when she says most of what she says.  Recently, she has offered us several funnies we don't want to forget:

Canaded geese (Her friend Ayden told her about Canadian Geese).

While at Radnor Lake on a Scavenger hunt, I prompted her to catch up several times, "Come on, Ada."  "Come on, Ada."  She responded finally, "Ugh.  Mom!  I am Come On-ing!"

Tonight when we were praying she told us we didn't have to pray about swim lessons anymore because she was doing just fine.  (not entirely true.  she also says when we arrive there every afternoon, "mommy, i don't know if i have poop in my bathing suit or just gas."  Bless her.

Also, I think I will always remember, regardless of whether I document it or not, the time she crawled under my skirt at church, on the floor, during the service, and said in her loudest voice, "Mommy, you aren't wearing any big girl panties!"  So. Not. True.  I had a freak out.

She told her Sunday school teacher, that the heart jewel on her butterfly purse that she earned for sleeping without her "This-y" was to remind her that her mommy loves her.

She also has decided that she doesn't like to wear buttons on ANYTHING.  not for functional reasons or for decorative ones.  I think it's because she really likes to pick her clothes out and to change several times a day.  buttons slow her down.  Because she won't wear buttons, or pretty much anything that's not purple, her wardrobe choices are limited.  We fight about it.  I wish we didn't.  She's my only girl.  I thought dressing her would be fun!  All the moms in her pre-school class have girls who wear cute dresses.  with buttons.  When I picked her up the other day, I asked her if she played with Jane (who I love.  she also happens to wear beautiful dresses with buttons).  Ada responded, "Mom!  I don't like button people!!"  seriously.

That reminds me:  She calls the ottoman the bottom-man.

She also told me a few weeks ago as I was leaving for a parenting seminar, "Mommy, maybe after you go to this thingy, you will learn how to act better.  like maybe you will only spank me sometimes instead of all the time."  for the record, i rarely spank her.  in my humble opinion, my spankings do very little to curb her behavior.  she often looks at me afterwards as says, "was that a Big spanking or a little one?"  as if it mock me for even trying.

That's all for now.  Just needed to remember some of that cuteness before my brain lets it all go.

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