Wednesday, September 9, 2015

things to remember today

Today I want to remember that Ada cried when she got out of the car for school this morning.  She doesn't like being away from me, and she hates running at PE, so she has decided that her tummy hurts when she thinks about school AND she doesn't like it.  My heart aches for her.  It kills me to watch her struggle, and yet I know I can't rescue her from that.  I want to remember how proud I am of her for going to school a chapel uniform with lots of buttons.

Today I want to remember that Isaac still likes to hug me.  He hugs me long and hard, squeezing my squishy middle with all of his strength and I love it.  He loves school and loves to learn, and I am proud of him too.

I want to remember going to Target with Gabe.  I got him a blue raspberry Icee and he sat in the cart and we talked all the way through the store.  I ended up with wheat thins and dove chocolates because he was with me and wanted them.  I love to hear him talk.  I want to remember that he always takes his shoes off, so most places we go, he's barefoot and his shoes are in my purse.  He fell asleep on our way to Michaels.  He slept all the way through the store, his warm, sweaty body safe in my arms.  He took a 3 hour nap today.  I missed him.  He also cried when I dropped him off at Bible Study.  It was his first day.  It stunk to leave him, but he was singing about God making the world when I got back to get him and he was having a blast.  He is so wonderful.

I want to remember Jeremy teaching at church tonight.  He did a great job.  I love hearing him deliver wisdom to parents.  He has gotten way more comfortable teaching.  He is good at it.  Gabe sat in my lap the whole time.  I loved it.

I'm busy with a lot right now.  I don't want to miss the important stuff while I'm trying to figure out my life...

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