Thursday, October 20, 2011

"i didn't do it!"

We would love for our children to grow into compassionate people who care deeply for others.  So far, they mostly care about themselves, and therefore whenever one of them hurts the other, one of the first things we ask them is if they checked on their sibling.  Yesterday Isaac and Ada were playing on the couch cushions in the living room while I was loading the dishwasher.  When Ada started crying, Isaac ran into the kitchen to say, "Ada's hurt but I didn't do it!"  I asked him if he had checked on her, and he said, "but mommy, i didn't do it!"  

I think we've somehow communicated to our little buddy that if he hurts someone, he should at least check to see if his victim is okay afterwards.  So we talked briefly about caring about people when they are crying or hurting no matter how they became sad.  

Last night I had a meeting at a church in Franklin, and our friend Ann Marie came over with her daughter, Ayden, also 3, to babysit.  Ayden fell backwards out of her chair at the dinner table, and Ann Marie told me that both Isaac and Ada came over to her right away to check to see if she was okay.

I love those little ones.

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