Thursday, October 20, 2011

"take me see dr. nancy!"

My dear, dear friend, otherwise known as my large, white laptop, took a turn for the worst last week and pretty much stopped working.  Though I am sad to see it go, I am thrilled about the gift of a new computer.  When we walked up to the Apple Store last Friday afternoon, both Jeremy and I were taken by surprise at the huge line of people (the kind of line that requires special ropes and free beverages to keep everyone safe, organized, and caffeinated).  Of course we had picked the day that the new I-phone was coming out to attempt to buy a new computer.  Based on the amount of chaos in that store, I think everyone in town has a new iPhone except for us.  Thankfully, though, i do have a new computer!

As Kyle called us back to be helped, we followed.  Ada didn't.  She took off the opposite direction, heading into the crowd of strangers, and so i quickly reached my arm out and grabbed her little wrist, pulling her towards me.  She immediately started crying in pain, and kept telling us her arm hurt in between sobs.  I've never known Ada to cry for so long, which worried me to pieces, and complicated my feelings of guilt in having injured my little one in an effort to protect her from getting lost in the crowd.  She even started saying, "Take me see Dr. Nancy!"  Since that wasn't possible, we went to Walgreens and bought her a "bracelet" to help keep her wrist still.  She wore it with pride all weekend, and it wasn't until Sunday that she complained of pain again.  Our friend from church looked at it Sunday evening, and told us to ice it and give her some tylenol.  Thankfully she's doing great now, and even had fun at gymnastics this week. I've thought many times these last few days about how awful it is to have hurt my daughter.  I was trying to help her, and in the end caused her pain.  Forgive me, Ada, for I know it's not the last time I'll accidentally hurt you.  And though I"ll never hurt you on purpose, know that I hope God will convert your pain to his glory.

That little girl is so playful and spunky.  What a delight it is to watch her grow.

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